We believe once we look back on history, this is going to be the most fascinating exciting time of living life on earth. As this journey is going to be from human consciousness to artificial consciousness. Despite the everyday choices we make, as a common men, we think we are not part of the big picture we are a part of history as well as the future.

Let’s see how If you are able to read this text, you have most likely forgotten your efforts to learn the language. As complex task as reading is, thanks to developments in neuroscience and technology we are now able to target key learning centers the temporal lobe The frontal lobe The angular and supramarginal gyrus in the brain, and identify the areas and neural pathways the brain employs for reading. While other animals lack. Only because of these amazing yet distinctive capabilities have we gained dormant behavior over our planet. Other animals have stronger muscles and sharper claws, but we have cleverer brains. Our modest advantage in general intelligence has led us to develop language, technology, and complex social organization. The advantage has compounded over time, as each generation has built on the achievements of its predecessors.

We, humans, are the only stargazers in our cosmos. Since human beings began thinking about things, we have contemplated our place in the universe, the reason why we are all here. Many possible answers have been put forward, and partisans of one view or another have occasionally disagreed with each other. But for a long time, there has been a shared view that there is some meaning, out there somewhere, waiting to be discovered and acknowledged. There is a point to all this; things happen for a reason. This conviction has served as the ground beneath our feet, as the foundation on which we’ve constructed all the principles by which we live our lives.

Gradually, our confidence in this view has begun to erode. As we under- stand the world better, the idea that it has a transcendent purpose seems increasingly untenable. The old picture has been replaced by a wondrous new one—one that is breathtaking and exhilarating in many ways, challenging and vexing in others. It is a view in which the world stubbornly refuses to give us any direct answers about the bigger questions of purpose and meaning.

The problem is that we haven’t quite admitted to ourselves that this transition has taken place, nor fully accepted its far-reaching implications.The issues are well-known. Over the course of the last two centuries, humans have caused damaged to mother nature and there is no unity among humans to evolve together and flourish together.

Perhaps life will spread throughout our cosmos and flourish for billions or trillions of years—and perhaps this will be because of decisions that we make here on our little planet during our lifetime.

If Earth had a COSMIC address it would be: – Earth – Solar System – Milky Way Galaxy – Local Group (a small group of galaxies) – Virgo Supercluster (a group of thousands of galaxies) – Observable Universe (a group of the billions of galaxies – which may even be part of a multi-universe).

The word universe derives from **the Old French word Univers**, which in turn derives from the Latin word Universum which means altogether, whole, entire, collective, general, literally turned or combined into one. The universe is often defined as “the totality of existence”, or everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist.The word universe derives from **the Old French word Univers**, which in turn derives from the Latin word Universum which means altogether, whole, entire, collective, general, literally turned or combined into one.

Think of how the universe is made up the space and outer space, an intelligence that becomes nebula, and out of the nebula millions of galaxies.And out of this constellation of galaxies comes forth our home galaxy, the Milky Way -a group of a small group of 400 billion stars orbiting in a galactic centre and one of those 400 billion stars the closest to us is the Sun SRI.The planets orbit around it and among that planets is our rich planet which is not close or too far from the sun, just exact for life to exist on earth. the sun and all the galaxies and also come out of that nebula.

So then out of this earth, we have fauna and flora and bacteria and fish, lions, rabbits, squirrels, monkeys, lambs all kinds of beings – we call it Earthlings because we are inhabitants of the earth.All Earthlings have their partIcular senses and consciousness and we are all children of our mother nature – planet earth. If we see the earth from outer space, there is no doubt that the laws of space live in us? It’s intuitive for earthlings to see the sky and wonder that the laws of space live in us. In doing so humans sent astronauts to moon. How is it even possible to predict with absolute certainty the rules and laws that govern in outer space?

In other words, the laws of time, space, and matter are precisely known to man as these are physical rules and laws that govern our hearts and heads here on earth .

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” ―**Carl Sagan,**

We all come from same Galaxy, the same nubela, the same universe.
We have abundance of treasure the centuries of collective curiosity enquiry & consciousness by very genius minds give us a deep understanding of life and life‘s complexities. Most of the time many of us question about life at levels of genes- cells -organisms- ecosystem or on structure- interaction-behaviour-development or at community-region -nation -continent level or at space – time- matter -energy OR information and entropy levels.
Route of everything we are trying to understand What is life ? What is reality ? Living a life yet most of the times we are not able to grasp What is life ? We try to understand this mystery by looking around us in the nature and we see many similarities & we feel a common link -Evolution. We believe earth is the field a common field where all living systems exists, We are all inhabitants of earth & we are called EARTHLINGS -ALL the living beings. As the world is group of living (to live) Being (to be) What about Earth ? As the being’s on Earth is also alive. This idea of earth being alive is as old as humankind. With a technological advance, now we can see planet earth is full of life. And if you come closer everyday on earth; we discover delicate balance of billions of organisms-all composed of cells classified by taxonomy into groups such as multi cellular, animals, plants, or unicellular organisms such as bacteria.All capable of reproduction- growth -development-maintenance and experience degree of stimuli.

In biology, organism is an instrument-implement-tool is any organic living system that functions as individual entity, current species range from 2 million to 1 Trillion which over 1.7 million have been documented. More than 99% of all spaces accounting to over 5 billion of all species, amounting to over 5 billion species, that have lived spaces estimated to be extinct. in 2016 a set of 355 genes from last common from last universal common ancestor of all organism was identified.(source:wiki) All organisms descended from a common ancestor or ancestral gene pool. Evidence can be found for common descent may be found in a traits shared between all the organisms. There is strong evidence from genetics that all organisms have common ancestor. For example, every living cell makes uses nucleic acid as a genetic material and uses the same 20 amino acid as a building block of proteins. All organisms use same genetic code translate nucleic acid sequences into proteins. The Universality of these traits strongly suggest common ancestry. However, the universal use of the same genetic code, same nucleotides, and same amino acids makes the existence of such a common ancestor overwhelmingly likely which suggest that earth is in Super-organism organism.

James Lovelock has suggested that ‘biosphere itself can be considered as a Super-organism’. Super-organism is an organism consisting of many individuals working together as a single functional or social unit a group of synergistically interacting organisms or same species or different species. The universal use of the same genetic code, same nucleotides, and same amino acids makes the existence of such an ancestry.

We all come from The Same Galaxy,The Same Nubela, The Same Universe -Which directly states We are a Biologically & CHEMICALLY & PHYSICALLY & Cosmically part of one big extended family.

We take the word from Sanskrit Vasudev Kutumbakam -“the world is one family”
HERE COMES BIG QUESTION- Are we nurturing or destroying PLANET EARTH ?
If we keep going like now -hunger, poverty, deforestation, killing; Will our weaker earthling become extinct ? Will their extinction disturb the delicate balance required to operate life force in harmony ? Do you think what will happen to us and our grandchildren in present & future? Are we capable, if need be, of fundamental change? Are we wise enough to know what changes to make? Can we alter our character? Can we improve our societies and find another way to be alive in harmony and peace with our extended family?

If you look at ourselves as being a part of living system then we might choose to make more conscious and make mindful decisions to build the system rather than to destroy it. Maybe one day we shall beginning to have better understanding of our earth and our cosmos. For now our role on earth is to promote living in harmony with natural world and to see with live divinity in all creation and live with dignity.

We hope and pray people start loving respecting and nurturing every aspect of nature as the nature loves all the children equally. We believe that earth / MOTHER NATURE is able to exercise the most exquisite and precise control over things like climate and logically if MOTHER NATURE could easily reversed global warming merrily through some volcanic eruptions that will send cooling volcanic ash,Probably may result end of life on earth. For now mother nature/earth is interested to spear us but it chooses not to do so. May be mother nature wants to give us a chance to take responsibility for our actions. lets agree wholeheartedly to work for better present and future by following our hearts but what does that mean ? can we work on the earth in a conscious way ? can we evolve consciously in unity. I suspect the answer is yes, and that requires a radical change in our thinking. We are ready for it. We are you?

In the future there will be neither darkness nor thunderbolts; neither ferocious ignorance, nor bloody retaliation…In the future no one will kill any one else, the earth will beam with radiance, the human race will love. The day will come… when all will be concord, harmony, light, joy and life; it will come. -Victor HuGo!

Future will decide “how our desire to matter fits in with the nature of reality at its deepest levels and what will be destiny of humans ?